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The Sons Of Anubis - Backstory

Welcome, I have constructed my own chaos space marine legion, that fluff wise is portrayed as a fallen legion. To expand further they w...

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Forge the narrative #9 - Sons of Anubis backstory

Anubis sat meditating in the observation  pob above the bridge. Consolidating his thoughts for the meeting coming. He needed to be at his greatest concentration in this plane and the immaterium. His little brothers influence and manipulation is formidable. 
His thoughts slowly drifted to what set him this path, once upon a time he was walking in these loyalist shoes. Blindly carrying out the orders of a puppeteer.


Anubis was rumoured to have been one of the greatest minds of the imperium. Some even whispered greater than his creator. This always lead to the creator growing concerned anubis would reveal him for what he truly is.
Anubis always sought the scientific meaning behind his appearance, and his creator would disregard questions of this nature.
So over time his research kept getting closer and closer to the truth, and this concerned the creator.
So anubis and his legion were repremanded, and the matter was thought to be in the past.
He then continued the research down routes and avenues he thought were hidden to the creator.
Thoughout this time anubis was conducting experiments on the dead. Attempting through trial and error to reach a solution. This lead to his legion adopting some questionable methods of warfare.

As he got closer and closer he discovered more about the great beyond. And thus ultimately lead to him striking a bargin with the undying, what he believed to be death itself. This bargin showed anubis the secrets of the primarchs creation. And that the reason for his mutations was that he was a failed attempt at creating a being of both planes, one of his 'father's' failed experiments. The test case that refused to die, but in his creation he contained the source ingredients to allow the creation of more. He was also shown his father's other creations scattered through time and space, and he saw the secrets that were used.
the creator had sensed this intrusion into his memories and this lead to the custodes bringing the legion and anubis to heel. But now anubis knew the truth he did not obey, the legion was purged from record but anubis escaped with some of his legion. The following turmoil lead to the start of old night.
But the creator had always kept one part of the equation to himself.
So anubis spent his time in hiding and working to discover the secrets locked in his father's work that would show him the key to immortality and being one with death.

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