During their time isolated by warp storms, adrift and cut off, The detachment that would become the Sons of Ananta collected much data on their cruiser's sensors. At the time this data remained un-analysed, but during their interrogation by the inquisition and the Star Dragons, this data was taken and assessed.
The inquisition found traces of renegade marines operating in the Anubis system, and asked the blood Angels to scour the renegades from Anubis. They also despatched a large Deathwatch contingent, tasked with other objectives.
The Sons of Ananta shared this information with their new allies, who analysed and found intriguing traces of xenos and /ancient tech in the same system. The Mechanicus of Hervara, asked the Sons to investigate and secure data and artefacts should they be present.
The Sons, eager to secure more backing from the firgeworld, set off.
The Blood Angels destroyed several satellites and probes. These probes were of unknown provenance, but appeared to be of ancient human design. Pre heresy patterns. The Angels could not isolate their signal's destination, but their tech marines theorised these probes were a tripwire, meant to alert someone of an intrusion. Who this signal would summon was, however, unknown.
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