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Monday, 15 February 2016

Local 750 point tournament

I managed to get my list for a local tournament finished before the arrival of my little girls. The tournament is at the end if the month and will detail a report after. Here are the shots of my list:
This tournament has comp in place (no 2+, no more than 2 wounds, no more than 33 total armour etc), so with that in mind my list is:
Sorcerer, lvl 2, jump pack, spell familiar, force sword, sigil of corruption 
5 chosen, mon, flamer, rhino
10 cultists, shotgun 
Fast attack:
3 bikers, mon, 2x plasma
5 warp talons, mon
Heavy support:
5 havocs, 4 autocannons 

The general idea is to have the sorcerer roll on telepathy and be with the warp talons to act as my had hitting unit. 
Bikers move up with the chosen to pop transports and then double tap bolter into the  guys inside those transports.
Cultists near enough always stay in reserve to hop on objectives later in the game.
And the havocs sit backfield and pick off targets.

Warp talons. 

Sorcerer with jump pack.

And some objective markers I threw together.

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